WARNING: This product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical.

Extreme Weather Vape Safety - Can Vapes Overheat

Although you can take your e-cig almost anywhere, SouthBeach Smoke tells you about some situations where you don't want to leave your device just lying around. Can disposable vapes overheat or become too cold? – Yes they can, and we’ll explain how in this article. 

Owning an e-cigarette is like any other good investment: it must be taken care of in order for it to perform at its best. It must be treated with "kid gloves" so to speak. One of the worst things you can do to your e-cig is leave it in extreme weather conditions or unsafe vaping temperatures. In other words, these devices should not be left in hot cars, snow storms or rain showers!

E-cigarette batteries are most vulnerable to extreme temperatures and weather conditions. Lithium ion batteries are not only found in e-cigs, but also laptops and other electronic devices. The U.S Departments Energy Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) recommends ion batteries be kept between a temperature range of 14 and 86 degrees Fahrenheit.

Keeping this range in mind, you would never want to leave your e-cigarette in a hot car. It may only be 80 degrees outside but your car can quickly rise above 100 degrees! Also, you'll want to avoid the opposite extreme by leaving your e-cig in the car or anywhere outside during freezing weather.

If exposed to extreme weather conditions for long, your e-cigarette can react in a variety of ways. In severe cases, e-cigs and disposable vape overheating have been known to catch fire or explode. However, the main reactions include warping, melting, expanding, bubbling or flat-out not working.

What happens when an e-cig is left in excessively hot conditions? Can Vapes Explode in heat? 

Heat can affect a variety of the components inside the e-cigarette, including the plastic parts of the cartomizer. Melting, bulging and ceasing to work altogether can occur when extreme heat conditions are present. Although rare, heat could potentially cause the device to catch fire or even explode. In general can you leave a disposable vape in a hot car? Leaving a vape in a hot car is certainly risky, so avoid it! If your disposable vape is hot, get it out of the heat and direct sunlight asap. 

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$84.96 $67.96
The price depends on the options chosen on the product page
$114.94 $91.94
The price depends on the options chosen on the product page
$169.92 $135.92
The price depends on the options chosen on the product page

What happens when an e-cigarette is left in extreme cold conditions?

The biggest consequence of leaving your device in the cold is that it can damage the battery to the point where it will no longer hold a charge the way it once did. So, you may invest in a great battery, but if you leave it out in the cold you will have completely wasted your money. Extreme coldness shortens the overall lifespan of a battery.

Moisture is a major issue as well, meaning the best place to store your device is not in the bathroom or a sauna area!

$129.93 $103.93
The price depends on the options chosen on the product page
$69.97 $55.97
The price depends on the options chosen on the product page
$84.96 $67.96
The price depends on the options chosen on the product page

What happens if my device is left in the rain or in a heavy moisture environment?

Once again, the battery is the issue. If you leave it in rain or another moisture-laden environment, the vaporizer itself may actually still work. However, the battery will most likely either malfunction or once again, its life will be shortened drastically. And replacement batteries can become quite expensive!

The best advice we can offer is to treat your e-cigarette as you treat your cell phone, iPad or laptop. Vapes overheating or beocming too cold will cause issues. Never leave your device in a hot car, or on the porch railing during an ice storm. And for heaven’s sake, don't take it in the shower with you! If you’re asking yourself “why is my vape hot?” The environment could be a big part of the issue.

Of course, purchasing quality vape devices and accessories will help ensure the performance and longevity of your vape rig. Shop all-inclusive starter kits and incredible cartridge flavors here at South Beach Smoke. If you are still looking for more info, we'd be delighted to answer any questions you may have about how to properly take care of your e-cigarette -- simply give us a ring or send an email.